
Ikea Delivery on Same Day


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Fast IKEA Furniture Delivery

Enjoy Your New Home Furniture NOW!

Good Things Comes To Those Who Wait, but what if after prolong effort in finding your perfect IKEA furniture you get to know that the store doesn't have a delivery option or can’t deliver for another week. We can totally understand how it feels. We have a solution for you! Taskerz offers you a quick IKEA delivery option for your IKEA furniture! Once you are done paying for your IKEA furniture, just Whatsapp us including a picture of the receipt. Then Taskerz will come and pick up your furniture from the store and drop it off according to your convenience.

Do you wanna know the best part? Taskerz deliveries are cost-effective than that of IKEA delivery cost. So Taskerz it NOW, for QUICK yet AFFORDABLE Delivery Service.

+971 54 381 0841

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You Choose Your IKEA Furniture, We Deliver It!

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We Can Help You Get Your IKEA Furniture Delivered Faster!

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